2. In every Windows system, if you have iTunes installed, in order for the USB Mass Storage to work properly, you need to go to Device Manager, select the Apple Mobile usb driver, choose update driver , manuall, select from list, and select the secondary available driver "usb mass storage". This will make iphone dissappear from iTunes. Do the same using the other driver to bring it back.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
About F#$%ing Time!!!
2. In every Windows system, if you have iTunes installed, in order for the USB Mass Storage to work properly, you need to go to Device Manager, select the Apple Mobile usb driver, choose update driver , manuall, select from list, and select the secondary available driver "usb mass storage". This will make iphone dissappear from iTunes. Do the same using the other driver to bring it back.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Stop iPhone Worms - How to change password
1. Load Putty (Ssh client - Google It)
2. Enter the IP address of your iPhone into putty and press Open.
3. You will be presented with a prompt that says Login:
4. Enter "root" as the username and "alpine" as the password
5. Once logged in type passwd
6. For OLD PASSWORD you enter alpine
7. New password can be what ever you like
Thats the root password changed.. now to change the user mobile password
8. Now type in passwd mobile and press Enter
9. Enter OLD PASSWORD as alpine
10. make the new password what ever you like.
Mac Users
1. Open mobile terminal
2. type ssh root@IPADDRESSOFIPHONE and press enter
3. Follow the above steps from 3 onwards.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Server Tuning
Monday, November 09, 2009
After scripts to move files and provide notification as it goes
#Mount SMB Share to send files to:mount.cifs // /mnt/susdown -o user=xbmc,pass=xbmc# Do the actual copying and notifications via growl/prowlfor f in /root/downloads/complete/*;do{cp -v -R "$f" /mnt/susdown/mumbles-send -g "Copy Success" "Copied file: $f">/dev/null;rm -r -f "$f"mumbles-send -g "Deletion Confirmed" "Remove $f from Server">/dev/nulprowl.sh 2 "File Moved" "File: $f has been moved off the server to SusansPC";}done#Unmount share as we dont need it taking up resourcesumount /mnt/susdown
Prowl for Linx
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Frikkin' file permission
Didn't work - Down with MythTV
Getting USB DVB TV to work FINALLY
The Lion, The Witch, and the.. .... god damn it!!!
- HellaNZB <-- Usenet NZB downloader
- ZussaWeb <-- Web interface to HellaNZB
- Transmission <-- Torrent downloader
- WebMin <-- Figured I'd whack it on and play with it
- Asterisk <-- Who doesn't want a home PABX
- The drivers for my usbtv adapter <-- What a pain in the ass this was to install hence the guide to come
- Apache Web Server
- OpenSSH <-- My favorite kind of access
- NoMachine NX Server <-- Remote access kind of like vnc, however its ssh so again i like it.. NERD!!!
sudo apt-get updatesudo apt-get dist-upgradesudo apt-get install webmin transmission hellanzb asterisk openssh-server screen mysql-server apache2 mythtv-backend samba
Sunday, September 13, 2009
iPhone 3.1 Jailbreak - Comming Soon
Sunday, September 06, 2009
Time to build a NAS
Although whatever NAS solution I do use it needs to fill the following roles all in one:
- WebServer
- SSH Server
- DNS Server
- Kai Server (For playing XBOX, 360 and PSP online without Live accounts)
- Some form of network monitoring
- Security Camera Monitoring
- Mumbles Support (OS X Growl notifications) - This one send notifications to my iPhone
- Obviously FileSharing
- Print Server
- Fax2Email wouldn't hurt
- CallerID Announcment to xbmc would also be nice
- Asterisk Server - Although this might go into its own box
- Torrent Server (Transmission will suffice here)
So thats the list - Time to find the possibilities.
iPhone Jailbreak - No Signal
So whats the problem all of a sudden... one frikkin tick box in PwnageTool I inadvertantly forgot to untick.
Theres an active phone option that I dont need to have ticked and well I left it ticked. So this morning I fired up the mac, re-created the firmware and when I goes home at lunch time i'll install and see what happens.
Peace Out!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Free IPv6 Usenet
Saturday, August 08, 2009
DVD43 Stuffs 360 Ripping
Useful only has one L
Friday, July 31, 2009
Adding Sata port to xbox 360
Note to self: The rubber tape to guard cables against the sharp edges worked a treat. Will use that in another project.
It's been a long time in the planning however I finally did the mod to stop me having to open the xbox ever again. What I did was splice a switch in between two sata cables and an eSata backing plate.
I pulled apart the xbox in the usual way, used my dremel to cut out some metal shielding, and some plastic that helps hold the 360 together. This however will make no difference to the 360 as the case still closes without issue
I flick the switch one way and the DVD drive connects to the 360 motherboard allowing game play. I flick it the other way and the drives output is switched to the eSata port and out to my computer.
List of parts and prices (AUD)
1. eSata Cable -$4
2. eSata external backing plates x2 -$5 each (needed one for pc as well)
3. 4PDT switch - $7
4. Sata cable x 1 - $0 (Came with data card)
Only needed one extra data cable as the esata plug can be cut to make another cable to connect to DVD drive.
So it's basically, cut all sata cables in half,Strip wires back a little, solder wires to switch contacts
Dremel case and shielding, drill hole for switch, coat switch in hot glue to provide shielding.
Install switch and esata portto top case
Instal cables to motherboard, middle cable to DVD rom, top to esata port.
Close it all up and enjoy.
Here are some finished pics, will upload some more soon. (These look crap and make the mod look untidy. GRRrrr - Will Get some good ones soon)
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Installing OSx86

Sunday, July 19, 2009
Haze - you've got to be kidding
-- Post From My iPhone
Ps3 Game - Haze
Saturday, June 20, 2009
1ST Blog from iPhone
Friday, June 19, 2009
iPhone 3.0 - MMS

I have to admit, the implementation has been done very well, however there seems to be a small bug, well at least with my phone there is.
When a contact sends an MMS regardless of if their name is stored in the contact list or not, I am shown the phone number of the sender and not the actual Contact Name.
All good if I'm expecting the mms, not so good as I havn't yet memorised every persons contact numbers. Nor do I have any intention of doing so. Would be interesting to know if anyone else is experiancing the same problem.
iPhone 3.0 - Now With Extra Tethering
Gone are the days where you needed to download and install extra apps to use your iPhone as a portable modem. Now you can use the inbuilt tethering option via either a usb connection or Bluetooth.
After having just updated my iPhone to 3.0 and finding the tethering option was disabled with Optus Australia and that I needed to contact them to enable it.. Bugger that I thought.
So I did my usual and found a very very helpful site that lets you download mobile configs straight to your iPhone without ever needing to go near iTunes or your mobile phone carrier to ask for permission *(ITS MY PHONE ANYWAYS)*
Follow these steps, and you too could be using Tethering on your iPhone.
- Open Safari on your iPhone
- Goto the following url: http://www.iphone-notes.de/mobileconfig/
- Click the Mobile Configs Download Button
- Select your Country
- Select your carrier from the list
- Press the Install Button that appears
- Press Accept or Replace depending on your previous settings.
- Press the Done button
- Goto Settings --> General --> Network --> Tethering
- Change the options as required
And there you have it, nice easy way to enable Tethering withotu needing to play with iTunes and downgrading and reflashing etc.
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
USBLoader - Load wii games from hard drive
With the 4.0 firmware update available for everyone.. Waninkoko has release his USB loader. What does it do i hear u ask?
Its lets you run your wii ISO's from a usb hard drive attached to the wii's usb port.
Gone are the days of needing a flat mii
Rips games to the hard drive in minutes.. wii sports for example took 5 mins to copy and compressed down from 4.5 Gigs to 860Megs or there abouts. not bad at all.
Running the game works without a hitch and load times are decreased so much its like playing games on the old xbox. smooth.. seemless and without the annoying load times that come from dvd based game consoles.
Well done to waninikoko for his great USB_Loader tool. I'll get back to you all when I find an external Hard Drive that works with the tool.....
anyone wish to donate :D
Friday, January 23, 2009
Downgrading Wii From 3.4 to 3.2 - Error 1035 *WORKING FIX*