Bye bye PDANET - By bye SmallProxy for iPhone.
Gone are the days where you needed to download and install extra apps to use your iPhone as a portable modem. Now you can use the inbuilt tethering option via either a usb connection or Bluetooth.
After having just updated my iPhone to 3.0 and finding the tethering option was disabled with Optus Australia and that I needed to contact them to enable it.. Bugger that I thought.
So I did my usual and found a very very helpful site that lets you download mobile configs straight to your iPhone without ever needing to go near iTunes or your mobile phone carrier to ask for permission *(ITS MY PHONE ANYWAYS)*
Follow these steps, and you too could be using Tethering on your iPhone.
- Open Safari on your iPhone

- Goto the following url:
- Click the Mobile Configs Download Button

- Select your Country

- Select your carrier from the list

- Press the Install Button that appears

- Press Accept or Replace depending on your previous settings.

- Press the Done button

- Goto Settings --> General --> Network --> Tethering
- Change the options as required
And there you have it, nice easy way to enable Tethering withotu needing to play with iTunes and downgrading and reflashing etc.